Hogget shoulder raised, butchered and cooked on the farm.
Dining at Three Pools
Food is at the forefront of what we do here on the farm. We pride ourselves on producing the highest quality meat and then age it in our cool room, butchering in our butchery and finally serving it with pride to our customers.
From autumn to spring we we focus on creeating our own dining experiences, with the Sunday roast. series being the focus of this. We have been perfecting our Sunday Roasts for many years and launched them last year.​
We will be running the roasts ever other week from the start of November until the end of March.
Collaborating with other likeminded chefs is also something we love to do and we will be hosting guest chef evening throughout the winter months.
Check our upcoming events page for these dining experiences and sign up to our mailing list to be kept in the loop with all that's going on here at Three Pools.

Buffalo cauliflower with fermented chilli from our London pop up